How can I simulate a test remind and check my setup?

  • %setup or /bremind setup will show your setup option
  • %test or /test will simulate a test remind

How can I delete my data/setup?

  • %delete feature → Resets specific Features such as Bump Remind
  • %delete server → A hard reset, will delete everything
  • %delete me → Deletes your bump count and all data from you

Why doesn't the bot remind my server?

  • Check if the Bot has enough Permission through: %test or /bremind test
  • When this already happened two times it might be a bug. Check below for more info.

How can I suggest a feature/ report a bug?

  • Run %botsuggest, Suggestion and Bug reports will be rewarded, so that you can be beta-tester.

Why is the bot not responding to my commands?

  • In the most case the Bot is missing on the Permission View Channel, Embed_Links, Send Messages

How can I change the Prefix?

  • Use %prefix <your prefix> or @bump reminder#6503 prefix this will change the prefix of the bot.
  • SlashCommand: /bot prefix [newprefix]


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Last Updated: 3/3/2022, 8:28:51 PM